As the world's largest food and beverage company, Nestlé has plenty of opportunities for you to make an impact through the work you do in a truly global business.
Speak Up
Report a non-compliance concern
The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles reflect our commitment to a strong compliance culture as a non-negotiable foundation of how we do business. More than words on paper, our principles are actionable and we are prepared to do what is necessary to ensure that our Company is managed in line with our commitment. You can help us achieve this goal.
Speak up in action
We encourage our employees to Speak Up if they notice any incidents of harassment, discrimination, abuse of power, bullying, fraud, corruption or conflict of interest.
Our Compliance Reporting System, "Tell us", provides you and all other external stakeholders with a dedicated communication channel for reporting potential instances of non-compliance with our Corporate Business Principles.
At a glance
How to report a compliance concern
Here you’ll find all the information you need to Speak Up about non-compliance, 24/7, 365 days a year.
- Submit your report via a webform or call a toll-free number to leave a message. Start a report
- Include a detailed description of your concern (who, what, when, how) and add supporting evidence, e.g., copies of documents or names of witnesses, that can corroborate your report. Please note that general assertions can’t be investigated.
- Once you’ve submitted your report, you’ll receive an individual case number. You’ll need this number each time you access the system.
- We take all non-compliance concerns seriously and will carry out the appropriate action on each report. We’ll keep you informed on our progress accordingly.
- You can track progress by going back into the website using your case number.
What happens after you submit a report
Once you’ve submitted your report, it’ll go through a few stages. Here’s what will happen next.
We’ll acknowledge receipt of your message within five working days. If your initial report doesn’t include enough actionable information / evidence, you’ll be asked to provide more information / evidence
Each report is reviewed carefully. We’ll open a case if your report includes minimum actionable information and evidence. The investigation will be led by our Market Compliance Officer in the region / country where the incident is said to have taken place.
Reports that contain allegations in one of these 11 sensitive categories will be escalated to the Group Chief Compliance officer and the relevant Zone Head of Legal and Compliance.
- Abuse of power and/or Bullying
- Antitrust and fair dealing
- Bribery and corruption
- Confidential information, Privacy policy
- Discrimination, harassment and violence
- Executive Board Members / Senior managers in Switzerland
- Fraud
- Human rights
- Management Committee Members related
- Non-compliance against WHO Code
- Sexual harassment
To ensure the investigation is confidential, we’ll only involve people who need to be involved. Our Compliance Officers may conduct confidential interviews with employees, contractors or anybody they feel is relevant to the investigation.
As a general practice, it takes around 90 days for an investigation to be concluded. However, we may need more time for complex matters.
After reviewing all the findings of the investigation, we’ll decide if any further action needs to be taken. We’ll keep you informed of progress and will send you a final reply outlining the outcome of the investigation.
Nestlé prohibits any retaliation against an employee, individual or entity who has made a report. We’ll also protect the rights of any implicated person.