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MAGGI® is an ally with the homemaker in their everyday cooking. In line with this vision, MAGGI® offers to its consumers “Cooking Made Simple”, a service aimed at making every day cooking convenient and enjoyable.

This service is available to consumers across 2 touchpoints -

  1. MAGGI® website:
  2. WhatsApp us at +91 92897 22997

This service gives a brand new, EXTRAORDINARY recipe to the MAGGI® community, every day on WhatsApp. The consumers can pick the kind of recipes that they would like to receive: Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, MAGGI® Recipes and Seasonal Recipes. The service also takes into consideration special dietary requirements such as diabetes and sends recommended recipes accordingly.

Cooking made simple recipe

MyMenu IQ

Each recipe that is shared is nutritionally balanced and given a qualifying score using MAGGIs proprietary nutritional tool: MyMenu IQ. 

MyMenu IQ scores each recipe out of 100 and has been developed to help consumers understand how to balance their meals better and make informed meal choices. Starting Dec’23 we will added new zero waste recipes that focus on sustainable cooking to this service under MAGGI’s Kitchenkari initiative.

Aloo Recipe
Aloo Recipe
Aloo Recipe