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Rural development and enhancing livelihoods

Rural livelihoods

Having a comprehensive understanding of where and how our ingredients are produced, and the challenges farmers and their communities face, enables us to support rural development. By working closely with farmers, we can promote better agricultural practices, work towards responsible sourcing and help to improve their livelihoods, as well as secure a long-term supply of raw materials.

Improving livelihoods and developing thriving communities starts with education. We believe children should be in school, and be able to get an education. We also believe in supporting women and girls to be economically and socially active, so they can be successful and independent. Being part of the communities where we operate means respecting the rights of those who work for us and with us. Respect is fundamental to our values, and we insist that our partners and suppliers uphold the same high standards that we do.

Agriculture is the principle occupation in most rural areas and has booked record growth in yield, in the past few years. Nonetheless, Indian agriculture is characterised by poor livelihoods and has a 30–60% margin for improvement in yield as compared to other developed or developing countries.

We believe that through responsible sourcing and by improving farm economics, we can help improve the standard of living of farmers. Rural development is a focus area close to our heart, as its results are multi-fold and its impact lasts generations.


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