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Nestlé India - Directors and officers, key figures, stock and financials, Code of Business Conduct.
Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
- Our Business
- Letter of Appointment of Independent Directors
- Composition of Board of Directors and its Committees
- Policies/Code of Conduct
- Criteria for making payments to Non-Executive Directors
- Familarization Programme
- Contact details for Investor services
- Notice of Board meeting
- Financial results
- Annual Report
- Shareholding pattern
- Analyst Meet
- Notice given to share holders by way advertisement
- Credit Rating
- Secretarial Compliance Report
- Policy for determination of materiality for disclosure of event or information
- Contact details for the key managerial Personnel authorized for determining materiality of an event or information as per Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
- Disclosures under Reg. 30(8)
- Annual Return
- Directors and Officers
- Key Financial Figures
- Analysts' Meet
- Investor Services
- Policies/Code of Conduct
- Shareholders Meeting
Investor Information
- Credit Rating
- Stock Listing
- Dividends
- Annual Reports
- Annual Returns
- Shareholding Pattern
- Financial Results
- Financial Press Releases
- AGM Notices
- Postal Ballot
- Business Responsibility Reports
- Public Notice
- Corporate Governance Report
- Secretarial Audit Reports
- Royalty
- Disclosure of Related Party Transactions
- Scheme of Arrangement
- Secretarial Compliance Report
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Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
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Water is the source of life, a basic human right and vital to our entire value chain, yet sources are unevenly distributed across the planet. These need to be managed responsibly to secure the supply needed for food production and support access to safe, clean water.
Our approach
We aim to be responsible stewards of water, ensuring it is available and managed sustainably, protecting it through collaborations, treating the water we use as effectively as possible, supporting our supply chain in the use of water, creating awareness on how to use water efficiently, and improving access to water and sanitation.
India accounts for 4% of the global fresh water resource, yet most of India is now classified as water-stressed with per capita consumption less than 1700m3. Nestlé India is committed to not only reducing its water footprint, but also championing the cause of water stewardship and raising awareness on water management across its value chain.
Our commitments on water are identified and defined in consultation with our stakeholders and in line with aspects identified as material to us. We aim to create a positive impact utilising our resources and expertise to conserve a natural resource that is important to our organisation, employees, farmers and other stakeholders across our value chain.
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Find out more about our Global Commitments at