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Acting on climate change

Climate change

Climate change is a critical global challenge, and already affects how we do business. In the last century, average global temperatures rose by almost 1°C, causing huge changes in our climate and forcing food producers to adjust how, when and where they grow their crops.

Our approach

To help combat the causes of global warming, we are determined to reduce our GHG emissions and use more renewable energy. We have set ambitious targets to improve environmental operations. As we rely on farmers and food producers to supply our key raw materials, we are always looking for ways to become more resilient and produce food with fewer natural resources.

Acting on climate change

Our operations in an environment of increasing water scarcity, depleting natural resources and vulnerable biodiversity need to be sustainable in the long run. There is an immediate need for all organisations to support and implement various climate change actions.

Related content

Find out more about our Global Commitments at