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Serve Safe Food

Serve safe food  

Nestlé's commitment to safe food goes beyond the safety and quality of our own products. Nestlé India has partnered with the National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) and national and local food authorities to train street food vendors on safe food and good hygiene. The training of street vendors includes subjects such as health, hygiene, food handling, food safety, personal hygiene, cart hygiene, cleaning and chemicals, pest control, garbage disposal and entrepreneurship.

Street food vending is an informal source of employment and vendors face constraints such as lack of business knowledge and skills, limited training opportunities and restricted mobility, which prevents their growth and income stability. The programme also helps them improve their income and sustain their livelihoods.

This project has benefitted over 41,000 street food vendors across 25 states/Union Territories till 2022.