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Offering tastier and healthier food choices

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 793 million people worldwide lack access to adequate food, yet 41 million children under five are considered overweight or obese (World Health Organization, 2014). Both over- and under-nutrition can lead to serious health challenges. That is why we aim to offer tastier and healthier food choices, and help 50 million children lead healthier lives.

India is currently facing the double burden of malnutrition and obesity, with nearly 253 million adolescent population in dire need of appropriate nutrition, counselling, education and guidance (Census, 2011). According to the National Family Health Survey, 2009, the number of obese people has nearly doubled since 2005–06, while the status of under nutrition has remained stagnant since 1998–99 (National Family Health Survey, 2009). According to a UNICEF study, the rate of regular consumption of food rich in vitamin A and iron is low in India, especially among infants and young children.

We strive to continuously develop a better understanding of the changing lifestyles of India and anticipate consumer needs to provide tastier and healthier food choices, which are of high quality, safe and affordable for all life stages.

Our approach

To respond to consumer demand and to do our part to contribute to a healthier future, we are launching more nutritious, high-quality foods and beverages, simplifying ingredient lists and removing artificial colours. We fortify our foods with micronutrients to help address health challenges where relevant. We will also further decrease sugars, sodium and saturated fat, and increase vegetables and wholegrains across our portfolio.


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