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Nestlé India - Directors and officers, key figures, stock and financials, Code of Business Conduct.
Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
- Our Business
- Letter of Appointment of Independent Directors
- Composition of Board of Directors and its Committees
- Policies/Code of Conduct
- Criteria for making payments to Non-Executive Directors
- Familarization Programme
- Contact details for Investor services
- Notice of Board meeting
- Financial results
- Annual Report
- Shareholding pattern
- Analyst Meet
- Notice given to share holders by way advertisement
- Credit Rating
- Secretarial Compliance Report
- Policy for determination of materiality for disclosure of event or information
- Contact details for the key managerial Personnel authorized for determining materiality of an event or information as per Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
- Disclosures under Reg. 30(8)
- Annual Return
- Directors and Officers
- Key Financial Figures
- Analysts' Meet
- Investor Services
- Policies/Code of Conduct
- Shareholders Meeting
Investor Information
- Credit Rating
- Stock Listing
- Dividends
- Annual Reports
- Annual Returns
- Shareholding Pattern
- Financial Results
- Financial Press Releases
- AGM Notices
- Postal Ballot
- Business Responsibility Reports
- Public Notice
- Corporate Governance Report
- Secretarial Audit Reports
- Royalty
- Disclosure of Related Party Transactions
- Scheme of Arrangement
- Secretarial Compliance Report
- Investor FAQ's
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Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
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The success of our business relies on a healthy planet. We have a responsibility to protect the land, soil, trees and water we rely on.
Our commitment
Preserve natural capital
Why it matters
The success of our business relies a great deal on the sources of our raw materials: land, soil, trees and water. We work collaboratively to protect the health of these habitats, focusing on shared water resources, eliminating deforestation from our supply chain, improving soil management, protecting the oceans and preserving biodiversity.
Our approach
As well as transforming our own operations, we’re working with NGOs, governments and other international organizations to protect natural capital.
What we are doing
We are also making progress on protecting natural environments like shared water resources and the soil we use.
At Nestlé India, we recognise and acknowledge our inherent dependence on natural capital, including forests, land, soil and water. As a responsible environmental steward, we are committed to demonstrating a transparent and inclusive process to all our stakeholders. Our Responsible Sourcing Guidelines (RSG), are complementary to our supplier code and could be adapted to the existing local conditions.
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