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Protecting natural capital

The success of our business relies on a healthy planet. We have a responsibility to protect the land, soil, trees and water we rely on.

Our commitment

Preserve natural capital

Why it matters

The success of our business relies a great deal on the sources of our raw materials: land, soil, trees and water. We work collaboratively to protect the health of these habitats, focusing on shared water resources, eliminating deforestation from our supply chain, improving soil management, protecting the oceans and preserving biodiversity.

Our approach

As well as transforming our own operations, we’re working with NGOs, governments and other international organizations to protect natural capital.

What we are doing

We are also making progress on protecting natural environments like shared water resources and the soil we use.

At Nestlé India, we recognise and acknowledge our inherent dependence on natural capital, including forests, land, soil and water. As a responsible environmental steward, we are committed to demonstrating a transparent and inclusive process to all our stakeholders. Our Responsible Sourcing Guidelines (RSG), are complementary to our supplier code and could be adapted to the existing local conditions.

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