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Nestlé India - Directors and officers, key figures, stock and financials, Code of Business Conduct.
Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
- Our Business
- Letter of Appointment of Independent Directors
- Composition of Board of Directors and its Committees
- Policies/Code of Conduct
- Criteria for making payments to Non-Executive Directors
- Familarization Programme
- Contact details for Investor services
- Notice of Board meeting
- Financial results
- Annual Report
- Shareholding pattern
- Analyst Meet
- Notice given to share holders by way advertisement
- Credit Rating
- Secretarial Compliance Report
- Policy for determination of materiality for disclosure of event or information
- Contact details for the key managerial Personnel authorized for determining materiality of an event or information as per Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
- Disclosures under Reg. 30(8)
- Annual Return
- Directors and Officers
- Key Financial Figures
- Analysts' Meet
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Investor Information
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- Secretarial Compliance Report
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Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
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Strengthening our commitment towards building a healthier society and positively impacting the lives of people in marginalised communities, Nestlé India launched Project ‘Vriddhi’, an initiative towards village adoption in collaboration with SM Sehgal Foundation. The project is aimed at improving the livelihoods of people in Nuh district, Haryana, for bringing a positive change in the lives of the locals.
The project focuses on improving access to clean drinking water for communities, promoting water saving irrigation practices, increasing awareness on nutrition, enhancing farm productivity and providing healthy learning environment in schools by improving hygiene and sanitation practices. The project team is working towards the village slowly evolving to a level of sustainability and continue the developmental progress even without direct participation in the day to day affairs of local community.
Since its launch in 2019, Project Vriddhi has touched the lives of over 6,000 beneficiaries across 5 villages.