As the world's largest food and beverage company, Nestlé has plenty of opportunities for you to make an impact through the work you do in a truly global business.

Our reporting is guided by the principles of transparency and good corporate governance. Through our Creating Shared Value Reports we aim to share about Nestlé’s impact on society and how that relates to the creation of a successful long-term business. We have been reporting on our Creating Shared Value initiatives in the areas of Nutrition, Water and Rural Development though various publications.
These Reports highlight engagements with our stakeholders including farmers, consumers, employees and suppliers. They also reflect how Nestlé is making difference in society and creating shared value by bringing both people and orgainsation together. With more and more data becoming more easily available and accessible, we are committed to continuous improvement of our reporting and aim to publish a similar report every year.
Our Creating Shared Value initiatives are also reported in our Annual Report, which outlines our overall business and financial performance and forms an integral part of our overall communication on our Creating Shared Value performance. The Business Responsibility Report (BRR) which forms part of our Annual Report also demonstrates how we have been creating value in social, environmental and economic terms for its stakeholders.
We invite you to download the following Company’s Creating Shared Value Reports:
Creating Shared Value and Inspiring Happiness 2013 (pdf, 2 Mb)
Creating Shared Value and Inspiring Happiness 2010 (pdf, 2 Mb)