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Micronutrient Fortification

We’re fortifying our foods and beverages to help children and families around the world get the micronutrients they need.

Our commitment

Address under-nutrition through micronutrient fortification

Why it matters

About a third of the world’s population suffers from deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals (Global Nutrition Report), leading to impaired growth, physical and intellectual development and compromised immunity. In response, we fortify popular foods and beverages with micronutrients that are unavailable or deficient in local diets, focusing on children and families in developing and high-priority countries.

Our approach

Nestlé India is committed to reducing micronutrient deficiencies across India through fortification of our products. Our Popularly Positioned Products (PPPs) are fortified with micronutrients to counter under nutrition, especially among lower-income consumers.

Nestlé India has been continuously innovating products positioned for health and nutrition with key micronutrient fortification across its portfolio. In this journey, the company has sold 8.9 billions of fortified servings in the year 2022 through various products such as Instant Noodles, Seasonings, Infant formula, Growing up milk, breakfast cereals.



MAGGI Masala-ae-magic

A taste enhancer fortified with Iron, Iodine & Vitamin A.


MAGGI Masala Noodles

A serve of Maggi Masala Noodles is source of Iron. Each serve helps meet 15% RDA of adults.



A nutritious milk drink for growing children 2-6 years of age with 20 key vitamins & minerals such as Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin A, C & D



A milk drink for growing children 2-6 years of age with probiotics L.reuteri & 19 key vitamins & minerals such as Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B6, C & folate



A fortified milk drink for teenagers with Vitamins and minerals to support bone growth, muscle function and immune system function



A growing up multigrain cereal with milk & fruits for 2-6 years of age with added 16 vitamins & minerals.



A Multigrain cereal with Powerblend and added 16 vitamins & minerals for growing kids.


Crunchy Gold Flakes

A breakfast cereal for adults fortified with key vitamins & minerals to support immune system function


Koko Krunch

Breakfast cereals for children fortified with 10 key vitamins & minerals



An Instant tea premix fortified with Vitamin C

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