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Important Announcement To Physical Shareholders
Request To Physical Shareholders
Dear Shareholder,
As a part of its ongoing measures to protect the interest of the investors in the Securities Market, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), vide its Master Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2024/37 dated 7th May 2024 has specified common and simplified norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and nomination, in supersession of all previous SEBI Circulars in this regard.
SEBI, vide aforesaid Master Circular, specified the formats for physical shareholders for raising the requests with regard to registration or changes / updation of PAN, KYC details, nomination details and also for banker’s attestation on signature, in the event of major mismatch in the signature of the shareholder(s).
It has been made mandatory for all physical shareholders to furnish / update the PAN, Nomination details, contact details, Bank Account details and specimen signature with the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent i.e., M/s Alankit Assignments Limited (“RTA").
Please note that the Company/ RTA shall not process any service requests or complaints received from the shareholder(s)/ claimant(s), till valid PAN, KYC and Nomination documents/ details are received.
Shareholders holding shares in physical form are requested to furnish / update their PAN / KYC / Nomination details, if not done earlier, with our RTA by using the relevant forms as appended below.
Before updating the information contained in the Company's records, the RTA may perform acts, as and when found adequate, on the Company’s behalf during the due diligence process, such as physical verification of registered address, calling on the registered mobile number etc.
Request for registering PAN, KYC details or changes / updation thereof | Form ISR- 1 |
Confirmation on Signature of securities holder by the Banker | Form ISR- 2 |
Nomination form | Form SH-13 |
Declaration for opt-out from Nomination | Form ISR-3 |
Change in Nomination | Form SH-14 |
Also pursuant to Master Circular, the Company shall issue the securities in dematerialized form only.
The securities holder / claimant shall submit duly filled up Form ISR-4 along with the documents / details specified therein for processing of service requests for issuance of securities | Form ISR-4 |
Request for Transmission of Securities by Nominee or Legal Heir (For Transmission of securities on death of the sole holder) | Form ISR-5 |