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Access to Nutrition Index: Nestlé India ranks no. 1 for its Corporate Profile

Nestlé India has been ranked no. 1 for its Corporate Profile in the ATNI India Index. Under the Corporate Profile, Nestlé ranks first in the areas of Governance, Accessibility and Engagement; while ranking no. 2 in Marketing, Lifestyles and Labelling. It highlights Nestlé’s clear commitment to healthier and happier lives through its engagement to help tackle the complex challenges of undernutrition and obesity in the country.

We are pleased that the report also reflects that we have demonstrated a high level of compliance with the Indian IMS Act and The WHO Code. We have a global commitment to market breast milk substitutes (BMS) responsibly and to comply with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Code of BMS as implemented by national governments around the world, as a minimum. In India, we ensure strict compliance with The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992 that guides the sale of infant nutrition products in India.

Commenting on the report Mr. Suresh Narayanan, Chairman & Managing Director, Nestlé India said “Our commitment to Nutrition, Health and Wellness (NHW) is based on the principle that consumer choice is increasingly driven by nutritional awareness and the desire for improved health and wellness. We believe in a multi-stakeholder and multi-sector approach to resolving the complex issues of undernutrition and obesity.”

The 2016 ATNI India Index assesses the ten largest Indian food and beverage companies, by revenue, on their nutrition-related commitments and performance across seven categories: governance, products, accessibility, marketing, lifestyles, labelling and engagement. The companies were assessed using the Global Index Methodology, adapted where necessary to reflect the regulatory context. The Product Profile of the companies, which evaluated the nutritional quality of foods and drinks available for sale was also part of the assessment.

On a global level, the ATNI publicly rates 22 of the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturers on their nutrition-related commitments, performance and disclosure. Nestlé India will continue to engage with ATNI, and welcomes the report highlighting our areas of strength, as well as the specific recommendations on the areas of improvement.