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Nestlé India Reaffirms ‘Breastfeeding Is Best For Babies’

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On the occasion of the World Breastfeeding week starting 1st August, Nestlé India has today launched a social campaign to reinforce the importance of breastfeeding.

Nestlé’s understanding of the importance of breastfeeding goes back to 1867 when its Founder Henri Nestlé said “During the first months, the mother’s milk will always be the most natural nutriment, and every mother, able to do so, should suckle her children.” Nestlé has always supported this and in order to re-iterate it during the World Breastfeeding week as well, the Company is focusing on activities that will make the message even stronger. The Company has today released a video on youtube that talks about the benefits of breastfeeding from the babies’ perspective.

Commenting on these efforts, Binu Jacob, General Manager [Nutrition] Nestlé stated “Nestlé has always believed that breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies. However, despite the general awareness, breastfeeding rates are still low in the country. We want to consciously convert this awareness into practice. Over the years, we have continued to engage with the medical community to spread awareness about breastfeeding and this has been positively received everywhere. While we continue with the campaign this year as well, our effort this time is also to encourage advocacy around the cause. We seek the involvement of all those who can help us make people understand the benefits of breastfeeding. We hope we will be able to make breastfeeding a part of community knowledge and practice.”

The campaign by Nestlé India last year ‘Super Baby. When breast fed it shows’ generated half a million pledges. This year the company is focused on taking the public support beyond a pledge and to convert it into an action. The effort is to generate discussions on the benefits of breastfeeding and to encourage the public at large to participate, by sharing on social media and in personal conversations, and to talk about these benefits wherever they think it matters.

Nestlé has consistently worked towards providing science-based nutrition to babies in accordance with all national and international guidelines. Start Healthy Stay Healthy is another science-based educational initiative which, in partnership with doctors, focuses on the lifelong impact of breastfeeding and the first 1,000 days of life. This is yet another expression of Nestlé’s commitment to breastfeeding.


For more information:    HIMANSHU MANGLIK -   NESTLÉ INDIA   +919811150977

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