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Corrigendum to the Notice of the 64th Annual General Meeting

The Company has intimated BSE that in reference to our letter PKR:GA:20:23 dated 17.03.2023 regarding submission of the electronic copy of Notice of the 64th Annual General Meeting (‘64th AGM’) of the Company alongwith the Annual Report for the year 2022 and despatch of the same to the members, whose email address were registered with the Company/ Depository Participants, this is to inform you that in the Special Business set out at Item No. 6 of the Notice of the 64th AGM (‘Item No. 6’), due to an inadvertent typographical error noticed subsequent to the circulation, ‘an Ordinary Resolution’ should be read as ‘a Special Resolution’ and accordingly the opening sentence at Item No. 6 should be read as “6. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as a Special Resolution”. All other contents of the aforesaid Notice of the 64th AGM remains unchanged. Please find enclosed Notice of the 64th AGM with aforesaid correction at Item No. 6, being sent by email to the members of the Company and also being uploaded on the Company's website at

PDF file of the letter submitted to Stock Exchange