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Intimation about postponement of 61st Annual General Meeting, the Book Closure for the purpose of 61st AGM and final dividend; and date of payment for final dividend

This is in reference to our letter BM: PKR: 05:20 dated 13th February 2020 intimating that the 61st Annual General Meeting of the Company shall be held on 8th May 2020 (“61st AGM”); the book closure shall be from 18th May 2020 to 19th May 2020 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of 61st AGM and final dividend (“Book Closure”); and the date of payment for final dividend shall be 28th May 2020 (“Payment Date”).

Considering the unprecedented situation with the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and advisories issued by the Central Government and the State Governments to keep all offices and business establishments in India under lockdown, it has been decided to postpone the 61st AGM, the Book Closure and the Payment Date intimated vide our aforesaid letter. The revised dates shall be intimated in due course.