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Nestlé India Board declares Third Interim dividend for 2006 & Interim Dividend for 2007

Nestlé India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on March 15, 2007, has declared the following:

1. An Interim Dividend of Rs 6.50 per equity share for the year 2007, on the entire subscribed and paid up capital of 9,64,15,716 equity shares of nominal value of Rs 10/- each.

2. Third Interim Dividend of Rs 1.50 per equity share for the year 2006, on the entire subscribed and paid up capital of 9,64,15,716 equity shares of nominal value of Rs 10/- each.

Further the Company has informed that, the above two interim dividends aggregating Rs 8.00 per equity share, shall be clubbed and paid together on and from March 29, 2007. The payment of Interim Dividend for the year 2006 along with the Interim Dividend for the year 2007 would optimize the cost of dividend distribution to the shareholders. In view of the above, the Directors would not be recommending any final dividend for the year 2006