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Notice of the 61st Annual General Meeting, Annual Report for the year 2019 and cut-off date of 12th June 2020 to determine the eligibility of the members to cast their vote through remote e-Voting and e-Voting during 61st Annual General Meeting
This is further to our earlier update regarding, inter-alia, convening of the 61st Annual General Meeting of the Company (“61st AGM”) on Friday, 19th June 2020 through Video Conferencing/Other Audio Visual Means (VC/OAVM) Facility.
Please find enclosed electronic copy of the Notice of the 61st AGM and the Annual Report for the year 2019 including the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2019 (“Annual Report”), being sent by email to those Members whose email addresses are registered with the Company/Depository Participants(s). The requirements of sending physical copy of the Notice of the AGM and Annual Report to the Members have been dispensed with vide MCA Circular/s and SEBI Circular. The Notice of the 61st AGM and the Annual Report are also being uploaded on the website of the Company at and we request you to also upload them on your website
Also, further to the Newspaper Advertisements regarding 61st AGM through VC/OAVM Facility which was submitted to BSE Limited vide our letter no. BM:PKR:25:20 dated 22nd May 2020, Members of the Company holding shares in physical form who have not registered their email addresses with the Company can obtain the Notice of the 61st AGM, Annual Report and/or login details for joining the 61st AGM through VC/OAVM facility including e-voting, by sending scanned copy of signed request letter mentioning your name, folio number and complete address; self-attested scanned copy of the PAN Card and any document (such as AADHAR Card, Driving Licence, Election Identity Card, Passport) in support of the address of the Member as registered with the Company, to the email address of the Company at [email protected]. Members holding shares in demat form can update their email address with their Depository Participant.
Further, in terms of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 20 of the Companies (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014 (as amended), the Company has fixed 12th June 2020 as the cut-off date to determine the eligibility of the members to cast their vote by electronic means and e-Voting during the 61st AGM scheduled to be held on Friday, 19th June 2020 through VC/OAVM Facility.