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Outcome of the Board Meeting: Approval of Audited Financial Results for 2017; recommendation of final dividend of Rs 23.00 per equity share of Rs. 10.00 each and 59th Annual General Meeting on 10th May, 2018.

The Company has informed BSE that the Board of Directors in its meeting held on 14th February, 2018 have

a) Approved the Audited Financial Results for the year ended 31st December, 2017;
b) Recommended final dividend for the year 2017 of Rs. 23.00 (Rupees twenty three only) per equity shares of Rs.10.00 each;
c) Approved convening of 59th Annual General Meeting of the Company on 10th May, 2018.

Register of Members & Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from 18th May, 2018 to 19th May, 2018 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of Annual Closing and determining entitlement of the shareholders to the final dividend for the year 2017. The Final Dividend for the year 2017, if approved by the Shareholders at the 59th Annual General Meeting, shall be paid on and from 1st June, 2018.