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Nestlé India - Directors and officers, key figures, stock and financials, Code of Business Conduct.
Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
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Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the SEBI LODR Regulations
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- Special Announcements
- Postal Ballot Results – Ordinary Resolution, regarding appointment of Mr. Matthias Christoph Lohner (DIN 0008934420) as a Director and Whole-time Director, designated as ‘Executive Director – Technical’ of the Company for a period of five consecutive year
Postal Ballot Results – Ordinary Resolution, regarding appointment of Mr. Matthias Christoph Lohner (DIN 0008934420) as a Director and Whole-time Director, designated as ‘Executive Director – Technical’ of the Company for a period of five consecutive year
The Company has intimated BSE that an Ordinary Resolution as set out in the Postal Ballot Notice dated 20th November, 2020, that the Ordinary Resolution, as set out in the Postal Ballot Notice dated 20th November, 2020 regarding appointment of Mr. Matthias Christoph Lohner (DIN 0008934420) as a Director and Whole-time Director, designated as ‘Executive Director – Technical’ of the Company for a period of five consecutive years with effect from 1st November 2020 and the terms and conditions of appointment and remuneration payable to Mr. Lohner., has been approved by the Members of the Company with requisite majority.
PDF file of the letter submitted to Stock Exchange