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Listing of 9,64,15,716 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each on the National Stock of India Limited ('NSE'), already allowed for trading on NSE under 'Permitted To Trade' category

The Company has informed BSE that 9,64,15,716 (Nine crore sixty-four lakh fifteen thousand seven hundred and sixteen) equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each, comprising entire issued, subscribed and fully paid-up equity share capital of the Company, shall be listed and admitted to dealing on NSE with effect from 1st August 2023 under the NSE symbol “NESTLEIND”. Copy of letter reference no. NSE/LIST/123 dated 28th July 2023 received from NSE is enclosed.

For the information of all concerned, the aforesaid equity shares of the Company are already allowed for trading at NSE under the 'Permitted to Trade' category in Cash market and Futures & Options market segment of the Exchange and is an integral part of NSE flagship Index - Nifty 50. This will provide an additional platform to the investing community and other stakeholders at large to access all disclosures/ announcements made by the Company from time to time.

PDF file of the letter submitted to Stock Exchange