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Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”) – Disclosure of changes in the Senior Management of the Company

The Company has informed BSE and NSE that Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform the following changes in the Senior Management of the Company:

  1. Mr. Gopichandar Jagatheesan, currently BEO of Cereals Business, has been nominated to succeed Mr. Mehernosh Malia, as BEO of Dairy Business (Senior Management Personnel). Mr. Mehernosh Malia will be taking up a new assignment within Nestlé group; and
  1. Mr. Varun Sethuraman, currently Category Marketing Head for Classic Noodles, has been nominated to succeed Mr. Gopichandar Jagatheesan, as BEO of Cereals Business (Senior Management Personnel).

The abovesaid changes are subject to approvals and will be effective from 1st March 2024.

Further, brief profile of Mr Jagatheesan and Mr Sethuraman is mentioned hereunder:

Mr. Gopichandar Jagatheesan joined Nestlé in India in the year 2008 and worked across Nestlé group in the Supply Chain, Sales, Chilled Dairy and Confectionary before he took over as BEO of Cereals Business in 2021.

Mr. Varun Sethuraman joined Nestlé in India in 2011 and worked across Nestlé group in the Marketing, Sales, Organised Trade and Category Development before he took over as Category Marketing Head for Classic Noodles in 2021.

PDF file of the letter submitted to Stock Exchange