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Nestlé India’s Appeal Before The Hon’ble Supreme Court Against NCDRC Order

NESTLÉ HOUSE, DECEMBER 16, 2015: The Appeal filed by Nestlé India against the NCDRC orders dated 9th and 10th December, 2015 came up for hearing before Hon’ble Supreme Court today.

Hon’ble Supreme Court has directed the following:

1. The proceedings before the NCDRC are stayed.

2. As against the directions of NCDRC to send the samples for testing to Export Inspection Agency, Chennai Laboratory, Nestlé consented to send the same samples to NABL accredited government referral laboratory viz. CFTRI, Mysore. This request was accepted.

3. Reports of the 13 samples already sent to CFTRI Mysore and the additional 16 which are being sent to CFTRI now, are to be forwarded to the Supreme Court instead of NCDRC.

We await the formal order.

In recent months alone, Nestlé India has conducted over 3500 tests representing over 200 million packs in both national as well as international accredited laboratories for testing and all reports are clear. In addition to these, various countries including USA, UK, Singapore, Australia and others have found MAGGI Noodles exported from India to be safe for consumption.

100% of the samples tested show MAGGI Noodles is safe for consumption and indicate lead to be much below the limit stipulated by the regulatory authorities. This was also validated by the reports from 3 accredited laboratories mandated by the Hon’ble Bombay High Court to test the samples.