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Cooking with low sugar

Cooking with low sugar

With all the seemingly conflicting reports on what's healthy and what isn't, it can be challenging to know just what sort of items to stock in your kitchen pantry. Sugar in particular is discussed extensively for contributing to health problems.  The key is to use healthy, creative methods to limit the use of sugar in your daily cooking. eg Sugar-containing fruits offer tons of nutrients.

Eliminating Table Sugar from Recipes

  • Choose sugar-free versions of gelatin, cake mix and pudding mixes. These can be used in a variety of desserts and will make little to no difference in the flavour.
  • Add cinnamon and nutmeg to enhance the natural sweetness of pumpkin or sweet potatoes instead of adding sugar.
  • Roast vegetables. This brings the sweetness of vegetables, such as carrots, to the forefront. The natural sugars will be more noticeable because this cooking method reduces the water content in the vegetables, concentrating their flavour.
  • Preparation TimePreparation Time :10 Mins
  • Preparation TimeCooking Time :10 Mins
  • Preparation TimeServes : 4
Here is a recipe using sweetness of dried fruits, honey instead of added sugar.

NESTLÉ SLIM Milk 3 cups ( 450ml)
Water 1 ½ cups ( 225ml)
Oats 50g
Almonds, sliced 10g
Raisins 10g
Dates, chopped ½ cup
Apple 1, grated
Honey 1 tbsp (8g)

1. In a pan, mix together 1 ½ cups NESTLÉ SLIM Milk, 1 ½ cups water and the oats.
2. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Add the almonds, raisins and dates and mix well.
3. Remove from the fire and cool. You can cook the oats the previous night and keep in fridge.
4. To serve, add grated apple, and the rest of the milk (cold) and honey. Mix well.
Veg icon
  • Preparation TimePreparation Time :20 Mins
  • Preparation TimeCooking Time :5 Mins
  • Preparation TimeServes : 4

NESTLÉ SLIM Dahi 1 small pack (200g)
Papaya, peeled and diced 100g
Banana, peeled and sliced 60g
Brown bread 2 slices (40g)
Honey 2 tbsp (30g)
Cinnamonpowder 1 tsp
Orange/grapes For garnishing

1. Toast the brown bread.
2. Add one tbsp honey and cinnamon powder. Mix well. Keepaside.
3. Blend NESTLÉ SLIM Dahi with 1tbsp honey.
4. In a glass dish, place a layer of fruits; sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the dish.
5. Pour half of the Dahi over the breadcrumbs.
6. Repeatwith fruit layer, breadcrumbs and Dahi.
7. Top with few grapes/orange segments. Chill and serve.