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Resources for Journalists: MAGGI Noodles in India

Read the latest statement by Nestlé India

Health and safety of our consumers is our highest priority. We have built our reputation around the world for 150 years by providing products that meet the highest food quality and safety standards. Nestlé has been in India for over 103 years and MAGGI Noodles has been a trusted brand in the country for over 33 years.
We strongly reiterate that MAGGI Noodles have always been safe for consumption as demonstrated by tests carried out in independent accredited laboratories, our own accredited laboratories (over 3500 samples have been tested) and by six (including USA, UK and Singapore) national food authorities. As per the directions of Hon’ble High Court of Mumbai, samples were tested at accredited laboratories and were found to be in order.
On 13 January, 2016, the Hon’ble Supreme Court directed the NABL accredited Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) to clarify if the results of sample tests on MAGGI Noodles show lead and monosodium glutamate (MSG) levels to be within permissible limits. The results were forwarded to the Supreme Court directly on April 11, which state that the 29 tested samples showed lead levels within permissible levels. It also clarified that that no prescribed level for MSG exists and it can be used under Good Manufacturing Practices in permitted food products.
We have received test results from all three laboratories mandated by the Hon’ble Bombay High Court to test MAGGI Noodles. All 90 samples - covering six variants - were found safe for consumption, with lead levels well within the permissible limits.
In compliance with the orders of the Bombay High Court, we began manufacturing MAGGI Noodles and submitted the new batches for testing as well. All three NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) accredited laboratories have reconfirmed that MAGGI Noodles are safe for consumption.
Now that the orders of the Bombay High Court have been complied with, Nestlé India is working towards making MAGGI Noodles available for sale by the end of November 2015.
We have always maintained that MAGGI Noodles are safe. Nestlé India has conducted over 3,500 tests, representing over 200 million packs, in both national as well as international accredited laboratories and all reports are clear. In addition to these, various countries including USA, UK, Singapore, Australia and others have found MAGGI Noodles manufactured in India safe for consumption.
Read more about how we test for lead, and the difference between MSG and L-Glutamate.

The noodles made for the export market are the same as those sold in India, although Canada requires a different kind of salt to be used. Packaging materials are designed to meet the regulatory requirements of each importing country.
Food standards authorities in the USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand have all tested samples of MAGGI Noodles and confirmed that they are safe to eat. Read more about tests conducted by other countries confirming MAGGI Noodles are safe to eat.

Nestlé began operating in India in 1912 and has been manufacturing locally since 1961. We employ 7,000 people directly, and have 300 quality assurance analysts. R&D India is Nestlé’s global R&D hub for noodles, including MAGGI.
Click here to access more fast facts about Nestlé India

This is one of the largest recalls in the history of Nestlé and in the rest of the Indian food industry. Learn more about the recall process.

Stories from the Indian and world media.
- Nestlé says MAGGI on shelves this month, all tests cleared
Economic Times, 4 November 2015 - Nestlé India says new tests find MAGGI Noodles safe
BBC, 16 October 2015 - As crisis abates, Nestlé India to reduce reliance on MAGGI
Bloomberg, 9 September 2015 - MAGGIshock bigger than what it seems: Suresh Narayanan
The Times of India, 4 September 2015 - Trying to bring back MAGGIby end of this year: Nestlé India
Deccan Herald / PTI, 23 August 2015 - MAGGIban case: Bombay High Court gives conditional relief to Nestlé; orders fresh tests
The Economic Times, 13 August 2015 - US FDA clears MAGGIin a breather for Nestlé
The Economic Times, 11 August 2015 - MAGGI Noodles are safe to eat, say Indian government-backed experts
TIME, 5 August 2015 - MAGGIis safe, confident of resolving crisis and bringing it back to shelves
The Economic Times, 27 July 2015 - New Nestlé India head looks to rebuild brand's reputation
The Wall Street Journal, 26 July 2015 - Food inspector raj threatening government’s Make-in-India initiative
The Economic Times, 13 July 2015 - FSSAI, states never shared the test results based on which MAGGIwas banned, says Nestlé
The Economic Times, 10 July 2015 - Food Minister slams the food regulator: ‘it is creating fear’
The India Express, 09 July 2015 - Why govt was grievously wrong on MAGGIand how much Nestlé should be compensated
The Economic Times, 09 July 2015 - Use your noodle
The Hindu Business Line, 5 July 2015 - Canada follows suit, seventh country to clear MAGGI Noodles
Business Standard, 3 July 2015 - Instant karma
The Economist, 2 July 2015 - Nestlé noodle controversy fanned by regulators’ opposing views
Bloomberg, 1 July 2015 - Did regulatory over-reach land Nestlé in the soup?
The Hindu Business Line, 1 July 2015 - MAGGI Noodles — a testing trial
The Hindu Business Line, 1 July 2015 - MAGGI Noodles testing results released
UK Food Standards Agency, 1 July 2015 - Nestlé MAGGI Noodles given UK food safety all-clear
The Grocer, 1 July 2015 - Lead is not detected in MAGGI Noodles made in India
Vietnam Food Administration, 26 June 2015 - UP, others fail to find lead; Hong Kong okays MAGGI
Business Standard, 18 June 2015 - MAGGI Noodles from India confirmed as safe
Nestlé Australia, 18 June 2015 - MAGGI Noodles from India
Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 11 June 2015 - Targeted border intervention of MAGGI Noodles from India
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, 11 June 2015 - Nestlé and Singapore food authority confirm MAGGI Noodles are safe
Nestlé Singapore, 11 June 2015 - India-made MAGGI Noodles in Singapore meet safety standards: AVA
Channel NewsAsia, 8 June 2015 - I stand by my lab's results on MAGGI: Balwinder Bajwa
Business Standard, 8 June 2015 - Nestlé Tells India’s MAGGILovers: Lead Levels in Our Noodles Are Safe
The Wall Street Journal, 2 June 2015

Journalist or media professional? Please get in touch using the information below:
- Nestlé India Media Team: +91 124 3321824, [email protected]
- Nestlé Global Corporate Media Relations: +41 21 924 2200, [email protected]