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CFTRI reports show 100% samples of MAGGI Noodles clear

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MAGGI Noodles were and are safe NESTLÉ HOUSE, Gurgaon

CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru) has submitted analysis reports on MAGGI Noodles to the Hon’ble Supreme Court. We have been provided with a copy of the reports. We are happy that all 29 samples tested by CFTRI are clear.

  • The reports state that lead levels for all samples are within permissible limits.
  • The second batch of 16 samples were tested not only for lead and MSG, but also for other safety parameters like metal contaminants, crop contaminants, toxic substances etc., that are applicable to Instant Noodles as a Proprietary Food. Every single sample was found compliant.
  • CFTRI has clarified that  glutamic acid can be due to presence of ingredients like tomatoes, Cheese, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein etc. It has further stated that there are no analytical methods to distinguish between naturally present glutamic acid and additive MSG.
  • CFTRI has further clarified that the additive MSG is allowed to be added to selected food commodities (seasoning for Noodles is one of them) under Good Manufacturing Practices basis proper label declarations as per ‘Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2011’.

The CFTRI reports are in line with Nestlé’s stated position viz.

  • MAGGI Noodles are safe and lead is much below the permissible limits.
  • We do not add MSG as an additive in MAGGI Noodles.
  • The presence of glutamic acid comes from ingredients used in the MAGGI Noodles.

All 29 samples of MAGGI Noodles,( the initial 13 and subsequent 16 samples), were collected by the relevant authorities following due process and then directly submitted to CFTRI.

The CFTRI findings and the recent Order dated 31st March, 2016, issued by the Food Standards and Safety Authority of India, clarifies that additive MSG can be used under Good Manufacturing Practices in permitted food products and there is no prescribed level.

We wish to emphasize that health and safety of our consumers is our highest priority and we never compromise on the safety, compliance or quality of our products or services.

We strongly re-iterate that MAGGI Noodles has always been safe for consumption as demonstrated by tests carried out in independent accredited laboratories. In addition to the recent CFTRI reports addressing clarification sought by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and the tests conducted as per orders passed by the Hon’ble Bombay High Court, over 3,500 tests have been conducted at internal and external accredited labs. These include several other national food authorities including the USA, UK, Singapore and Australia, among others. Every single sample of MAGGI noodles tested has been found to be SAFE. We have built our reputation around the world and in India by providing products that meet the highest food quality and safety standards. Nestlé has been in India for over 100 years and MAGGI Noodles has been a trusted brand in the country for over 30 years. We appreciate the positive consumer response to the return of MAGGI Noodles to the market and are working diligently to re-introduce more variants very soon.

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