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Raising a Fussy Toddler

Make sure you train them right!

Growing kids tend to become choosy and fussy in regards to the foods they eat. Sometimes this is due to their own changing preferences, and sometimes it is just to assert their independence. If you are facing a similar challenge with your child, here are a few tips to help nurture him/her in the right manner, and inculcate the best eating habits.

Eating is a time-consuming activity for budding children. Hence, it is sometimes easier for them to avoid it or to eat it in their own messy manner. Due to this, they can become highly choosy in what they eat. They might become comfortable with unhealthy snacking and munching in between meals. Also,

"fussy eaters are usually inclined towards sugary products as they find them easy and rewarding to eat."

What should you do to help your fussy toddler eat right?

  • Firstly, let your child be. Do not restrict his independence by forcing him to eat. Prepare a nutritious meal plan filled with healthy foods for your toddler, and slowly get him/her acquainted to it.
  • Let your kid enjoy the meal. Make his/her mealtime happy and pleasurable. Let your little one have the meal at his/her own pace.
  • Set a standard mealtime. Even if your child doesn’t wish to eat at that time, make it a habit to offer food at the same time every day and eat along with him. Regular eating along with parents can help your little one adopt a healthy routine.

    What should you do to help your fussy toddler eat right
  • Avoid bribing or rewarding your toddler with sweets or unhealthy foods. What you might think of as a motivational tool, may become a habit for them. Rather include desserts like chocolate or apple pie as part of a balanced, healthy diet for your toddler.
  • Present food in an appetizing and attractive way. Mix and match the ingredients, add colors and provide food in an impressive manner. For e.g., you can innovate a sandwich and garnish it like a human face. Add olives in place of eyes, an apple slice to mark the mouth, and sprouts salad can make for the hair. Such creative presentations are certain to appetize your toddler and help him or her consume healthy food.
  • Believe in the fact that your little one holds strong instincts. Let him or her be and choose the kind of food she wants to consume. Let them form their own relationship with food.
  • Yes, you love to overflow your child’s food plate with abundant amounts, but you must respect his or her little tummy as well. To ensure healthy eating, you should provide 6-7 frequent meals in right portions and with the right nutrients for your child’s growth and development.
  • Getting your child involved in grocery shopping is another way to induce her interest in healthy food. Talk to her about the meals you wish to prepare, and let her choose the fruits and vegetables of her choice.
  • Lastly, physical activity also helps induce and increase appetite in kids. Encourage and involve your kids in an activity of their choice, and when they feel hungry, feed them nutritious food. They will have it with no fuss at all!

Your growing toddler is developing good eating habits, being fussy is natural. Make sure you take the right steps to bring out the best in your budding child.