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Sibling Rivalry - A Holistic View

“Most growing siblings experience feelings of resentment towards each other at some point during their growing years, and it is important that this isn’t construed as permanent dislike, for it is very common.”

What causes sibling rivalry?

A lack of attention is usually what leads to a feeling of rivalry between siblings. For example: the most common occurrence of sibling rivalry is when a new child is born into the family – this leads to the older sibling feeling neglected by her parents, who for a period of time have to give more care and attention to the younger sibling. This can result in dislike, bullying, and may even cause long-term damage to the sibling relationship.

It is the responsibility of the parents to build bonds of love and trust between their kids. Following are some ways in which parents can foster a healthier sibling relationship at home:

  • Inculcating a sense of responsibility in the older one: Once the big brother or sister is made to understand the role of being the older one, he or she will see the sibling relationship in a new light.
  • Praising the older child for the younger one’s achievements as well: This will encourage older siblings to teach good things to the younger ones, and will thereby strengthen their bond.
  • Lead by example: Happy parents raise happy kids. So, have the relationship you wish to develop amongst your kids.
  • Family time & activities: Do activities and play games as a family. And when you do, try to play games that are collaborative, rather than competitive.

Finally, keep in mind that some sibling conflict can be beneficial for growth and social skill development. Keep things balanced, and help your children grow into strong and mature adults, with an incredible relationship between each other.