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Milk Parlor installed at the farm of Jagdeep Singh Sandhu in MogaQuality assurance manager at Paras Spices receives training regarding de–stemming of chilies

When Nestlé initially set up its culinary unit in Moga in 1982, the spices required were procured from the south of India. However due to problems faced in quality, and in an effort to procure locally, Nestlé approached Paras Spices, a small spice unit in Moga.

Nestlé trained workers in Paras regarding best practices in processing and how to implement them, including the importance of lab testing, calibration, good hygiene standards, sourcing of raw materials, and power saving guidance to name a few. Experts from Nestlé also advised Paras regarding investment in machinery and enhancing the quality of its products through the de-stemming of chilies.

Over the years, as the production volumes for Nestlé have grown, so have the volumes for Paras. Today Paras Spices has grown from a small supplier to a supplier of international quality levels and supplies Nestlé with all the spice ingredients being used in the factory.

“Nestlé constantly guides us, providing technology and best practices to upgrade our quality to international standards. They now use our supplies to substitute imports and at the same time it opens the export market for us”

Paras Budhiraja, Paras Foods, India