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Our commitment: Provide climate change leadership

Our commitment: Provide climate change leadership

India spans 2.4% of the world’s surface area, and has about 17.5% of the world’s population. With urbanisation, rise in population and increased spending tendencies, the stress on water consumption, waste disposal, energy usage and housing needs is increasing exponentially. The Indian government is increasingly focusing on renewable energy generation, waste to energy generation and solid waste management (Swachh Bharat Mission). We at Nestlé India, endeavour to contribute to the conservation of India’s resources and steward them for future generations. We strive to continuously reduce the waste and generated emissions that degrade the environment while simultaneously optimising our production measures.

Acting on climate change

Our operations in an environment of increasing water scarcity, depleting natural resources and vulnerable biodiversity need to be sustainable in the long run. There is an immediate need for all organisations to support and implement various climate change actions.

Provide climate change leadership

Nestlé has developed several policies to address various concerns related to climate change impact on our business and society at large that provide the foundation of potential programmes and initiatives.

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