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Fixation of Cut-Off Date to record entitlement of shareholders to cast their vote electronically or otherwise at the 55th Annual General Meeting

The Company has intimated that in terms of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 20(3)(vii) of the Companies (Management & Administration) Rules 2014, the Company has fixed 10th April, 2014 as the cut-off date to record the entitlement of the shareholders to cast their vote electronically at the 55th Annual General Meeting (AGM) by electronic means under the Companies Act, 2013 and rules thereunder. Consequently, the same cut-off date of 10th April, 2014 would record entitlement of the shareholders, who do not cast their vote electronically, to cast their vote at the 55th AGM on 12th May, 2014.

The Company would be availing e-Voting Services of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).