17 June 2015
We are aware of media reports that a consumer in West Bengal has reported finding fungus in a pack of Lactogen 2 infant formula that had expired. We are in contact with the consumer and are making every effort to investigate his complaint of the expired product. The quality and safety of our products are non-negotiable priorities for our company and we always take such reports seriously.
We have in place strict food quality and safety procedures, including quality checks at the different stages of our manufacturing process, as well as checks of storage conditions. We guarantee the freshness and nutritional value of the product within the expiry date. In addition the expiry date of our products is clearly marked on the packaging and products should not be consumed after this date.
Our packaging technology is specifically developed to keep out oxygen and moisture in order to protect the product from negative environmental impacts that would promote the growth of fungi. It also ensures that the product’s freshness and nutritional value is maintained within the expiry date given on the packaging.
Nestlé India Media Team
Email: [email protected]