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Exercise during Pregnancy

Exercise during Pregnancy

When you are expecting your little one, most doctors tell you to exercise regularly for you and your baby’s benefit. Physical exercise apart from other factors like a healthy diet and regular sleep ensures that you and your baby remain at the healthiest best.

Nutrition in Pregnancy

Nutrition in Pregnancy

A healthy diet during pregnancy should contain the right balance and combination of nutrients. If you are eating a balanced diet comprising of various food groups, you get the benefit of the various nutrients that are necessary for you due to their increased need during pregnancy.

Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Some mothers feel certain they're pregnant at the moment of conception. Others don't believe the news until they have a positive pregnancy test—or two. For most mothers, a missed period is an early sign of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Myths – Is There Anything In them?

Pregnancy Myths – Is There Anything In them?

No doubt you’ve heard them all before: Morning sickness means it’s a girl. Pregnant women have to eat for two. Or a little alcohol won’t do any harm. Do not worry yourself too much. Such sayings and old wives’ tales are not to be relied upon.