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Building a sustainable planet the smarter way

Building a sustainable planet the smarter way
Each individual can play a role in building a more sustainable environment by making some changes in their day-to-day lives and work. Every effort to reduce, recycle and reuse natural resources can make a difference to our planet.

Building a sustainable planet the smarter way


Nestlé India has always emphasized on sustainable use of natural and non-renewable resources as part of its commitment to nurturing and preserving the environment. Within our factories there has been a continuous effort to maximise production while minimising the consumption of natural resources and reducing waste and emissions. We have always strived to improve operational efficiencies, use natural resources sustainably and reduce water, energy and CO2 emissions while doing business.

In our manufacturing

Recognizing the significance of preserving natural resources, our factories across locations have engaged in environmentally balanced initiatives leading to:

  • Reducing usage of energy by 47% per tonne of production
  • Reducing our water usage by around 53% and generation of waste water by around 55%
  • Reducing CO2 emissions by 55%

In our endeavour to preserve natural resources, we are working towards making Moga a zero-water factory. The Zer’Eau technology utilised in the Moga factory helps recycle the water extracted from cow’s milk and reuse it for processing, enabling us to save 25% of water use at the factory. This has led to a decrease in the withdrawal of ground water for manufacturing purposes.

In our packaging

In 2016, we reduced around 800 tonnes of packaging material through packaging optimisation. We are expanding the response of QR (Quick Response) Codes to provide sustainable consumption tips and guidance on recycling. We label our products as per the Nestlé Policy on Environmental Sustainability and its guidelines on Packaging and Design. The labelling includes identification of the type of material to determine recyclability and anti-litter and recycle logos to remind consumers to dispose it in a safe and environment-friendly way.

Nestlé India has always endeavoured to connect people to nature by undertaking environment-friendly initiatives across its manufacturing facilities and within communities to ensure a greener tomorrow for all.