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Oils in cooking

Oils in cooking

Everytime someone mentions oil or fried foods we are quick to associate it with obesity and heart ailments. Though the fear is not entirely unjustified, the truth remains that food prepared in oil is tastier and fats from oil are an important part of our daily diet.

The Goodness of Milk

The Goodness of Milk

Milk is one of the most widely consumed and varied products in the world. It is a major ingredient in thousands of beverages and foods. Milk is packed with essential nutrients and has more nutrients than any other single food.

Whole grains and their benefits

Whole grains and their benefits

Whole grains are the seed or kernel of plants that store nutrients important in our diet, and have been shown to have positive health benefits.

Healthy eating guide

Healthy eating guide

While most human beings consume foods almost every couple of hours, not all of it constitutes healthy eating. To live a healthy, wholesome life, you need to consciously eat foods that give your body the essential nutrients it needs to nourish, energise and rebuild itself on a constant basis.

Caffeine and Coffee

Caffeine and Coffee

Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant found in tea, coffee, cocoa and cola as well as some other plant based foods such as guarana. It can also be produced synthetically and used as an additive in 'energy type drinks'.

All about Chocolate- The ‘Feel Good’ Food!

All about Chocolate- The ‘Feel Good’ Food!

At work, watching TV, after lunch – we are often unexpectedly seized with the uncontrollable desire for something sweet. At such times, a piece of chocolate is just what you need to satisfy your sweet craving.

Sugar - More Than Just A Sweet Temptation

Sugar - More Than Just A Sweet Temptation

Sugar is an important taste enhancer and energy source. Here, you can read about the effects of sugar on the body, the foods that contain it and how much of this sweet substance you can enjoy without having a guilty conscience.

Winter foods

Winter foods

What do you think of when someone mentions winter? Heavy, itchy woollen clothes? Chapped lips and cracked heels? Sure winter is all of this, but did you also know that winter is the best season to improve immunity?

Mediterranean diet – a healthier option

Mediterranean diet – a healthier option

Did you know that people who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet and lifestyle tend to have a longer life expectancy than most other people?



Prebiotics is the term given to fibre that provides nourishment for the probiotic bacteria in your body. These will help the healthy bacteria in your body become stronger, and avoid any problems caused by harmful bacteria.

Probiotics nutrition


We know that some bacteria can be bad for you, but bacteria are actually a normal part of your body. Probiotics can help you make sure you have all the good bacteria you need.

Summer fruits

Summer fruits

Whether as a small snack between meals or a delicious pudding – in summer, fresh fruit just tastes wonderfully refreshing. As part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, you should be eating three to four servings a day.

Foods and specific benefits

Foods and specific benefits

Due to the sedentary lifestyle, fast development in the technology industry, use of pesticides, heavy metals and excessive use of agriculture tools, environmental pollution

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancer that is added to food to bring out the savoury taste. It is a food additive used commonly in many foods

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners

If you're trying to lose weight, avoiding sugar seems to be one of the best ways to reduce your calorie intake. Many dieters use artificial sweeteners and artificially sweetened foods as a way to cut sugar without eliminating all things sweet.

Food Colours

Food Colours

The colour of your food plays an important role by visually stimulating your appetite. But have you ever wondered where these colours come from? Let’s take a closer look.